Senior Center Fundraisers Draw Homecoming Crowd

  • Brimming with activity was a hot spot during homecoming.
    Brimming with activity was a hot spot during homecoming.
  • During the pie and ice cream fundraiser, Judy Winegar (pictured on left) held the drawing for the handmade quilt donated by Sharon DiCarlo (middle), and was won by Chris Christensen (right).
    During the pie and ice cream fundraiser, Judy Winegar (pictured on left) held the drawing for the handmade quilt donated by Sharon DiCarlo (middle), and was won by Chris Christensen (right).

The Senior Community Center was full of activity on Friday, September 22 before and after the WSHS Homecoming Parade. ROCS Dining Services served up a freewill offering meal of BBQ, hot dogs, potato salad and dessert bars at noon. Marla Ness, dining manager, said she served about 60 meals with the help of Sherrie Redmann.

After the parade, pie and ice cream was dished up for the Senior Center building and maintenance fundraiser. The dining room had every table filled with class reunion attendees visiting with former classmates and neighbors. Twentyone pies were donated by Senior Center members, with only a handful of pieces of pie left.


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