“Cuppys Corner”


Darleen wrote her news Monday morning and Delia came to get it later in the forenoon. Darleen was grateful her granddaughter Becky Krueger picked her up for the awards night Monday. Many awards and scholarships were presented. Becky presented the Minnie Weeldreyer Scholarship. Darleen’s mother Minnie cooked for the Alpena students for many years. She enjoyed her job and the students. The family gave a $200 scholarship to an Alpena student. After Minnie passed away her son, Darleen’s brother, Elmer Weeldreyer added some money to the Weeldreyer Scholarship. Several years later the Alpena school closed. The children were bused to Wessington Springs. The $200 Weeldreyer scholarship has been presented every year. Becky presented the 2024 Weeldreyer Scholarship to Brock Krueger and Caroline Witte. Brock received several other awards; $500 scholarship from Mary Gohring Memorial, $1000 from George & Eva Kleppin Memorial and $1000 from Lt. Col. Orville (Bill) Munson. The Munson scholarship has been awarded by his sons for 13 years.

Tuesday Darleen enjoyed the pulled pork dinner and chocolate cake from the Manor kitchen. That evening Darleen watched the Minnesota Twins and NY Yankees. The Yankees won 5-1.

Wednesday, Darleen Cuppy was hostess for our 9 a.m. coffee. Darleen decorated the table with her three beautiful Mother’s Day bouquets for the centerpiece and pretty plates and napkins and a mint. Darleen served donuts. Enjoying the food and fellowship were Lorraine Schultz, Vera Salter, Luella Teveldal, Kathy Larson, Judy Baumgart and Joyce Mees. Thanks to Kathy Larson for making the coffee. Darleen had treats for the mailman too.

Thursday Darleen Cuppy rode the bus to Angie Mentzer’s beauty shop. Just as Angie finished Darleen’s hair the water was turned off due to a water main break. (We didn’t have any problem at the Weskota apartments.) Thursday Darleen’s daughter Candi Sails and Baleigh came with a gift certificate to the Cone Zone and a bouquet of lilacs for Mother’s Day. They stayed to visit a while. Thursday the NY Yankees played the Minnesota Twins and the Yankees won again 5-0.

Friday Darleen enjoyed the chicken noodle hot dish, carrots and apple crisp from the Manor kitchen. Saturday Darleen’s daughter Cindy and Fred Zenk of Webster came to take her to Brock Krueger’s graduation in the gym at 3 p.m. Other family members that came were Cheryl and Craig Van Asperen of Wessington, Hilary and Brian Rossow of Volga, Darryl and Nancy Cuppy of Harrold and Cathy White, Ella Darleen and Nora Joane of Sioux Falls. The graduation ceremony was very nice – the speaker Tom Glanzer gave a great speech! The music by the students with Mrs. Julie Fastnacht as director was beautiful! The reception for Brock was held at the Country Club. It was decorated with pictures of Brock from baby through grade and high school. Brock is very good in football, basketball, track and art. Some of his drawings were on display. A delicious lunch was served to a large group of family and friends. It was so nice Pastor Sara and Alex Dean came to visit a bit. They live in Minnesota now. Darleen appreciated many others greeting her.

Sunday Darleen rode the bus with Joanne Grohs driving to the Methodist Church. Others riding the bus were Gladys Kieser, Elaine Roetman and Mary Lou Cameron. Lisa Edwards played a beautiful prelude. The welcome and prayer was said by Pastor Cheri Van Gorp. We sang the hymns “Spirit of the Living God” and “Something Beautiful.” Then we said the responsive reading and joys, concerns and the Lord’s Prayer. Jill Sheldon sang a beautiful solo as the offering was taken. Special music by the choir members Jan Krohmer, Laura Kieser, Gretchen Burnison, Diane Winter, Sandy Wenzel, Darrel Winter and Chris Schimke. Pastor Cheri’s sermon was “The Promised Gift to All.” We closed with the hymn “Beams of Heaven as I go.” Benediction was Acts 2:17-21.

Darleen enjoyed the turkey dinner and cherry pie from the Manor kitchen. Darleen watched the Minnesota Twins and Cleveland at 12:30 p.m. Cleveland won 5-2. Darleen’s daughter Candi and Baleigh Sails brought supper from the Cone Zone. Darleen enjoyed the cheeseburger, coleslaw and a Pepsi. They stayed to visit a while.

“Happiness blooms from within.”


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